Can I dispute a charge based on a mistake on the ticket?

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New Member
I received a minor possession of alcohol ticket for holding a beer at a football game. I am twenty years old and this is my first time in trouble. When he issued the ticket, I didn't have an ID on me. So, I told him my information. (I was honest) On my ticket, he distinctly spelled my last name wrong. Is there any way this could be a cause for disputing the ticket? aka get me a lesser offense or out of it completely?
The answer is, no. They'll simply correct it at court.

- Carl
Its amazing how many of these very same questions we see. Instead of saying damn I was caught and dealing with the fallout. They seek a means to escape the law. :rolleyes:
Ask your hubby about Jim on the board he and I are on ... you wanna talk about a technical issue guy!

- carl
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