Can I get a court order for support payments without a divorce?

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My husband and I (student) just got married in our residential state, California. Is it possible to get a court order for spousal/maintenance support from my husband even though we are not planning to get divorced? In other words could I sue my husband to officially pay me a certain amount of support money, like a minimum amount a month? I know this sounds like a crazy question, but this is a special situation which has to do with german family laws.

I would appreciate any answers from you guys here about this very special case.
No. Why in the world would you want to sue your husband to force him to pay you? Unless you want a divorce that is not done in the US.

If he does not volunatarily support you, then you need to somehow get a job if you are able to work in the US if you need money coming in.

It sounds like you married him for citizenship purposes only. Does he know this? :(

Thanks for your quick answer.

Don't worry, I think we love each other for the right reasons. I am US citizen, he is German citizen and I'm definitly not planning to switch :-)

In Germany, there is a law that you have to pay a mother maintenance support (as if you were married!) for AT LEAST three years even though it was a one-night-stand or let's say a "few-days-stand" (in the US, before we started dating, and they were obviously neither really dating nor living together). With a Californian court order that german courts would have to respect we hopefully would have chances to keep some money as a family and let me finish college.

I hope, I made our story clear. I know, it is quite complicated.
Germany has some really wierd family law guidelines. I also heard that child support is paid until 26 over there?

thanks for clarification :)
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