Criminal Records, Expungement Can I get it Expunged or do I have to take it to court?

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I lived in Cedar Hill, TX. I was 17 years old and working at (deleted). I was accused of assaulting a child and I told them I did not. The officers were extremely intimidating and were telling me to plead no contest, I'll pay a fine, and it will be over. I paid the fine. I am now 22 and JUST found out that I have an assault charge on my record from almost 5 years ago. I was never called, never got a letter or email stating that I had been found guilty... Is there anything I can do to get it removed? I was never arrested and I was never summoned to court. I have gone to job corps and I'm a certified Medical Assistant, and I was told it would be best if I tried to expunge the charge. Can I?
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I lived in Cedar Hill, TX. I was 17 years old and working at (deleted). I was accused of assaulting a child and I told them I did not. The officers were extremely intimidating and were telling me to plead no contest, I'll pay a fine, and it will be over. I paid the fine. I am now 22 and JUST found out that I have an assault charge on my record from almost 5 years ago. I was never called, never got a letter or email stating that I had been found guilty... Is there anything I can do to get it removed? I was never arrested and I was never summoned to court. I have gone to job corps and I'm a certified Medical Assistant, and I was told it would be best if I tried to expunge the charge. Can I?

Don't be deceived, again. Expunging a conviction doesn't remove or erase the conviction. All an expungement does is try to conceal or hide the conviction. Notice, I didn't say seal. You'd be surprised at who sees what.

As far as the police telling you to plead guilty, that won't be believed by many, even if its true. A long, complicated, explanation is often taken with suspicion. The truth is simple, seen readily by all, and requires very few words.

It's best just to tell exactly what happened. Tell it straight to the point, but end it on a positive, upbeat tone. And, always ask for the job. You're selling yourself during a job interview. You often have as little as 10-15 minutes to convince the interviewer to hire you.

At age 17 I got into a fight with another teenager. I was arrested and subsequently pled guilty in an attempt to try and do the right thing. That was my second mistake.

However, over the last five years (or so), I graduated from Job Corps with my GED and a certificate as a Medical Assistant.

I've learned from my past. I did very well in my Job Corps studies. I'm a hard worker, a better person, and a peaceful person.

I don't drink alcohol, do illegal drugs, or abuse legal drugs. I lead a normal, law abiding life and would give you 125% effort everyday if you hire me.

Yes, you can seek an expungement of the charge. Before you proceed, speak to a couple local attorneys and educate yourself by researching what must be done. At least it'll make you feel better. The only way for that conviction to be wiped way is a full pardon from our state's governor. Those, my new friend, are scarcer than winning lottery tickets. They are parceled out to party loyalists and wealthy, connected felons.
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