Can I get out of my comercial lease on this technicality?

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New Member
Last year I signed an extension of my lease
It states the extension is for 5 years

The it states it's from the last day of December 2008, The term shall be extended to and including the last day of December 31, 2008

This was a mistake on the Landlord's part, it should say 2013

My question is, can I stand on the legality of the date December 2008 and claim it's not valid?

Thank you
Nope... surely it says elsewhere in the lease that it is a five year deal. A simple typo isn't going to cut it. Realistically, you would have to argue that you thought it was only a one month lease... in which case you should have been out a year ago.
It really depends on if there is another place that it says 5 years. If not, you can use it to get out of the deal.
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