Can i get the car back?

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New Member
I sold a car to a coworker. Before we got a chance to get the title switched over to his name, he disappeared on me. He has been running through pay tolls, and I have been getting the bill. I have been told that he is in jail now, and I am stuck with a pile of toll fees. He never finished paying me for the car. Is there any way that I can get the car back so that I can take care of the fines. The car is still in my name and I live in Texas.
I'm not an expert at all, but... Perhaps since the car is still in your name and he didn't finish paying you for the car before he took it, maybe you could claim the car as stolen? Under this premise you could possibly also get compensation for the toll fines that he incurred while he drove your car. Or, if you have any legal documents/binding contracts indicating that you sold the car to this person, then you can present these documents to the judge when making your case that it is he who should be responsible for the toll fines rather than yourself.
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