Can I legally quit a job while still in training?

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Hi. I just moved to California, and my husband applied for, and was hired at a company as a forklift operator. He has worked for one week as a trainee, and now he is finding out a few negative things about the scheduling and days off that he doesn't have. Being that he is still in the trainee phase of this job, can he legally tell them he does not want this job now? Is there a certain amount of time that a new employee has to decide that he doesn't want the job?

Thanks veturnera
Have you signed an employment contract? Was there an agreement that you would have to work for a period of time in return for being paid during time training? These answers could make a difference. Otherwise it would seem to be an at will employment and you may be required to provide reasonable notice. You should also find out if there is a corporate policy which might state something on the matter although it might not apply here with regard to your ability to quit.
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