can i protect my child over this ?

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New Member
Help needed to young mum
Jurisdiction/Place: International - United Kingdom

hi i am wondering if anyone can help me this is my situation:
I had this friend who is definitely no longer my friend after she betrayed me badly and so did her family. However i have a young ten month old daughter whom whilst in my friendship this 'friend' obtained pictures of and posted them to her profile on facebook page now since i am not in any form friendly or talking to her after the incident i have kindly requested that these pictures(in which i did not consent to having being posted on facebook) be taken off of every social networking page she has and she has not done what is asked so since i did not consent to pictures of my child being placed on her social networking page could it be possible for me to obtain a court order or something similar so she has to abide and remove these pictures ? please help and dont shout or call me anything as i am only trying to protect my 10 month old from peadophiles and said child molesterers
any info would gladly be taken into consideration many thanks
You could report her actions to your local constabulary.
The constables will advise you accordingly.

You could also speak to a solicitor or two and discuss your legal rights.
The police will not (cannot, actually) offer legal advice in the UK.

They will advise her to seek information from counsel.

Now, if OP cares to share where she's actually located it may help me find some information for her.

The difference between Scottish and English laws, for example, can differ greatly - even though they're both part of the UK.
The police will not (cannot, actually) offer legal advice in the UK.

They will advise her to seek information from counsel.

Yes, that is why I advised her to speak to her local constabulary.
They will confirm my suspicions and tell her to speak to a solicitor!

Now, if OP cares to share where she's actually located it may help me find some information for her.

The difference between Scottish and English laws, for example, can differ greatly - even though they're both part of the UK.
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