Can I solicit donations from my community online for a website?


New Member
New York
For fun I've started a little online learning website for my community, anonymously. It has info about nature and fun activities for people to do and download. People are enjoying it. It's very informal, but the costs do add up and it's a lot of work. So can I have a donation button through paypal to help cover the costs? I don't want to register as a non-profit because it's just not that serious yet, and when I looked into doing so it seems very expensive (hundreds of dollars). Is it legal for me to solicit donations from my community while staying autonomous? I would clearly state that any donations go to keeping the site up and running.

Thank you
Is it legal for me to solicit donations from my community while staying autonomous?


Understand that you will have tax liabilities (fed and possible state and local).

You might also have to register your business with the state. You can find information about that on the Secty of State's website.

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