can i sue for a bad check?

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New Member
i sent my lanlord the address to where i wanted my deposit sent. i then got a check in the mail for the deposit amount that turned out to be bad. it was dated for last year.

so, it's been over 30 days, plus he sent me a check that i couldn't cash. how much can i sue him for? or can i sue at all? is there an interest amount?

i just want my money!
Slow down! Have you contacted him about this check? Have you tried to deposit it a second time? Can you sue? Sure small claims wait a year or more to get money. You can sue for your loses. That would be amount of check plus and bank charges. You can also turn check over to District Attorney for possible prosecution
the teller was the one who said, "i can't cash this, it's old." it was the right day and month, just -08 instead of -09. how can i cash an old check?

yes, i called him that day. he said that he must have been busy, so that's why he wrote the wrong date. at that time it was like 12 days left in his 30-day window. he said that he would send me another check right away. he hasn't yet.

i can't deposit something that the bank won't take, right? we moved the 5th of JULY. even though he didn't have my address, he still had ample time to WRITE the check and just wait for the address.

at this point, what excuse can he make? he had the time to get the money (we moved over 2 months ago, plus told him 30 days BEFORE we moved that we were going to), and he had 30 days to get us the check AFTER he got the proper address. plus, we called him within the 30-day time period for deposit return.

what else can i do?
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Contact him again tell him you want a new check with (insert time should be days) or you will beging a civil suit or turn check over to District Attorney
so i should try one more time, i see. i guess i can do that. after all, it's been this long. i don't know if you read my other post as to what i went through while i was renting from him, but i feel like this is the last straw. yeah, $50.00 ain't much, but when you're entitled to it, it's as good as a cool million.

i'm guessing if i still don't get the deposit, then the only thing that i can sue for is the actual deposit and court costs? no 3-times the rent, emotional distress, or gettin' him for sending me that worthless check, huh?
No and if you sue it could be a year or more before you see any money if then! This is easier. Contact him again if need be threaten him with Lw Suit or turn check over to DA
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