Can I sue for loss wages(Ohio)

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New Member

A long time friend of mine turned on a telephone in his name for me. The telephone company sent the first bill to his house that he shares with his father. His father called the telephone company to have the telephone disconnected. I work from home and I had to have a landline phone with hi-speed internet. My friend informed his father who it was for, that he knew about it and had turned it on himself (he has fraud protection) After he left, his father called the phone company claiming to be him, and now the phone is off and as a result I have lost my job. This all stems from his father's views on African Americans. So my question is since he did this out of malice and as a result I have lost my job and also am in danger of being evicted, can I sue him for my annual salary?
You can sue pretty much anybody for anything. It's winning the case that would be tricky.

You would have to prove that his father did this directly because you are African American. To say this would be a long shot to prove in court would be an understatement.

The father would likely argue that since your friend left and the bills were still coming to his residence, he was concerned that he would now be responsible for your phone bills.

The judge would also question why, if you needed a phone line for your employment, you didn't open up an account with the phone company yourself.

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