can i sue for pain and suffering from bedbugs at a hotel

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New Member
i am suing a hotel for getting bedbugs. the judge forwarded it to mediation. i am asking for $2500 although
my itemized damages from discarded clothes is only $500 . i was told that since the case is in district court i can't ask for pain and suffering.
also can i ask for money for laundering my clothes and for the time and expense of visiting a doctor?
You should drop the pain and suffering idea right away. Just think of it as "damages".
If the bedbugs somehow damaged your clothing and it had to be replaced then you could ask for the value of that replacement. If you had legitimate medical bills as a result of bedbugs then you could ask for that as well.
Personally, as you describe it here, I wouldn't expect you to get more than the value of replaced clothing IF you can prove that the clothes were ruined and HAD to be replaced. You can't possibly have extensive medical bills caused by bedbugs.
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