Can I sue for theft?

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New Member
In November my husband took my car (which had developed a noise in the engine) to a man who repairs vehicles from his home(it is a registered business) he quoted my husband R4000.00 to repair and said it would be ready in four days. My husband duly went to collect and pay for repairs and was told that it was not ready, to come back the following day. to cut a very long story short. This same scenario has gone on for three months. Every day he says he has found another small problem and will have it ready the following day. My husband has given him ultimatums ie.threatening legal action etc,. unless vehicle ready. In February when once again vehicle was still lying in pieces in his yard and my husband told him he was taking legal action he said he was closing business at end of month and he was bankrupt so we would not get anything out of him. We saw a lawyer in March and he was sent a final letter to have vehicle in repaired state and to supply us with a detailed invoice. His response to lawyer was that we can remove our vehicle(undrivable as in pieces) without paying,if we sign a form stating that we will not hold him responsible for any damage to vehicle. We refused to do this and again requested an invoice for work done. We have not received this!we have now reached a stage, where our attorney says that he can withhold vehicle(lien) even though it is now in a worse condition and cannot be driven and we will have to take this matter to court. We have already paid her R1000 to send a letter to him and she wants a further R5000 upfront before she will proceed. The vehicle is only worth approx. R22000.00 Please advise.Tks
The car is not worth $22K anymore since is all in pieces... I would be a little cautious about the upfront fee... It is not a guarantee that your lawyer will make and win the case. If you think that going ahead with the proceedings will help you make your case as far getting the car, then do it. Otherwise, consider consulting with another attorney to see what other suggestions he/she may have. Good Luck!
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