Can I sue my landlord for not allowing me to turn down my own heat?


New Member
New York
I'm living in an apartment building in Manhattan, and neither the super nor the landlord want to allow me to disable the heat when it's not only causing my windows to fog but also my electronic device's and TV screens to develop condensation around them. They came and checked it out and said that they won't disable it because then they would have to disable everybody's heat and apparently everybody likes foggy computer screens in my building. I asked them what do I do then and they said open the window which unfortunately cannot be done because of a security system that has been set up, and when I told them that they told me they guessed I'd have to just do nothing then and simply deal with the issue as is, I was like okay then. However living here is like living in a furnace and might break the electronics in question and currently gives me trouble sleeping. The fact I have the energy to write this post at all is enough of a surprise already. What steps can I take to make sure my landlord will cooperate and allow me to turn this infernal heat down? Thanks for all help is much appreciated.
I don't have apartment specific controls. The lease says that too.

In some ways, renting in NYC can be helpful to a renter.

Whatever can you do?

For the period between October 1 and May 31, the City requires building owners to provide tenants with heat according to the following rules:
Between 6 AM and 10 PM, if the outside temperature falls below 55 degrees, the inside temperature must be at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Between 10 PM and 6 AM, the inside temperature must be at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. There is no outside temperature requirement.
Hot water must be provided 365 days per year at a constant minimum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Before filing a complaint, you should try to resolve the issue with your landlord, managing agent, or superintendent.

If you are making a heat or hot water complaint for your apartment, you must provide your contact information.

This where YOU report a heat or hot water problem affecting a single apartment: - 311 Service Request Create

Heat or Hot Water Complaints can also be filed using the: NYC311 Mobile App

If a remedy exists, these fine NYC government officials stand ready to do battle with evil landlords 24/7/365, NYC help for tenants NEVER SLEEPS!

Good luck citizen.
What steps can I take to make sure my landlord will cooperate and allow me to turn this infernal heat down?

None, if you can't get cooperation by asking.

And you have no case for a lawsuit since the LL is not doing anything wrong or illegal.

What's left is some self help at your own expense.

Option that I can think of:

1 - Run the AC.
2 - Buy a dehumidifier.
3 - Buy vents that can be opened or shut to control the heat flow. Make sure you keep the old vents because you'll have to restore them when you move, or get charged for them. Home Depot as different sizes and they don't cost much.

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