can I sue my mom for my social security?

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New Member
my parents got divorced when I was 14 - my dad draws social security due to a work injury and I did to unti I turned 18. The monthly chekcnwas supposed to go to a savings account and I got it when I turned 18. I'm 21 and havnt seen a dime of it, my mom either spent it or wont give it to me. If it states in the divorce papers that my check was supposed to be saved and given to me when I was of age can I sue my mom for it.?
You aren't party to the agreement so no you can't. But your Dad can move for contempt and force your mother to pay up if he wants to. I hope they didn't make a deal and just split the money. It is theirs to keep if they wanted to because they were paying your expenses for all these years. Talk to your Dad to see what his attitude is about it.
my parents got divorced when I was 14 - my dad draws social security due to a work injury and I did to unti I turned 18. The monthly chekcnwas supposed to go to a savings account and I got it when I turned 18. I'm 21 and havnt seen a dime of it, my mom either spent it or wont give it to me. If it states in the divorce papers that my check was supposed to be saved and given to me when I was of age can I sue my mom for it.?

Did you actually READ this in the final decree yourself? Was your dad also paying child support to your Mom?
If it states in the divorce papers that my check was supposed to be saved and given to me when I was of age

IF this is true then yes you can sue. You were not a party to the agreement, but you are prejudiced by the actions of your mother and have standing to bring the action to court.
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