Can I sue the bank that my loan officer works for?

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New Member
I've been in the process of getting a house since April. My loan officer talked about locking in my rate at 3.25%. He said we needed to do this as soon as possible. I agreed with him. I received a good faith estimate and another document that was similar. Both had my interest rate at 3.25%. Then I got a call later that week saying that we never locked and my interest rate went up to 3.85%. I was really upset and didn't know how this could happen. They sent out another GFE estimate with my new rate. That shouldn't have happened.

After they bummped my interest rate, they called me telling me my debt-to-income ratio was now too high (even though it wasn't previously) My loan officer said he calculated that I worked overtime even though I never told him I did.

I received gift money to fix that issue. During this whole process I missed the closing date and had to pay $350 upfront for an extension, which my loan officer said wouldn't be an issue as far as my debt-to-income ratio went.

Then I got another call saying that because the interest rate went up, I need more gift money to cover my debt-to-income ratio.
And I don't understand how this happened either, seeing as they asked for the first gift after they changed my interest rate.
This is ridiculous!

I work a full time night job. I'm taking summer classes. I'm a single mom raising a 6 month old baby. This stuff has inconvenienced me so much. I've had to miss nights at work because I'm so busy during the day, and I've missed classes as well. My family bought plane tickets to come out to Washington to help me move, but because everything changed, they wasted money.

The house I'm buying is a HUD home. HUD has been great about everything, but my loan officer has never done a HUD home before and because of that I feel like I'm paying a price.

My brother is also in the process of buying a house through a different bank. He put in an offer 2 weeks after me, and has closed before me and never had issues like I have.

Do I have grounds to sue?
You can sue anyone. But, that's not the questions you need to ask.

What are your damages? I don't see any.

Can you prevail? I don't see how, or against whom.
It's too late in the process to change lenders.

Are you kidding me? Loss of time isn't damages?

He gets paid a good amount of money to do his job, which he's not doing.
It's too late in the process to change lenders.

Are you kidding me? Loss of time isn't damages?

He gets paid a good amount of money to do his job, which he's not doing.

No, I gave you FREE advice. You're always FREE to ignore it, and PAY to hear the same thing. Bottom line, no one cares but you.
In fact, you didn't answer my last question at all. If you want to be a jack-off, feel free to do so somewhere.
You can act profession all you want, but honestly you seem like a clown to me. I will PAY for some REAL advice, I WILL update you. And if you're so smart yourself, you should look into a real job.

Thanks for all the awful advice.
Have a nice day.
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