Can I sue two people in small claims court at the same time

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New Member
I share a back fence with 2 houses behind me. I want to take them both to small claims court to help pay for the new good-neighbor fence. Is it possible to have both defendants appear at the same hearing at the same time?
It is not only possible, it is a good idea. The court will get to hear everybody's story and apportion liability amongst all the parties, saving time and costs.
Agreed dee_dub - you should make sure to sue all defendants and if you don't recover in full from one, you might be able to get the remainder from the other defendant.

In some small claims forms you might be able to include another defendant if I remember correctly. If not, you can do two forms (which might be required) and you should tell the clerk that the cases deal with the same matter. They will be filed together and you will get a court date for both that are the same.
:) Thanks so much for your very helpful advice. I found the form online that I have to fill out and I'll be able to include both parties on one form. Such good news!
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