Can my old landlord fine me?

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New Member
I was renting an apartment in a condo and I recently moved out. When I moved out, I failed to schedule a date with the condo's management. I didn't think it would be a problem as I was moving things out piecemeal over the course of a few days (no movers involved, no moving van).

When I moved in to the building, I did schedule a date because there was movers involved and it was done in one shot, van in the loading dock etc. (My landlord casually told me to contact the office to schedule when I signed my lease).

I just got an email from my landlord saying that he was approached by the property manager because his tenant (I) broke the house rules by 1.) not scheduling a move-out date, and 2. moving out on the weekend (which is strictly prohibited by the condo).

Now the association wants to charge a hefty penalty fee. I was not aware of the condo's policy nor was I ever given a copy of the house rules from my landlord so I didn't know that weekend move outs is restricted.

My question is, can my landlord hold me liable for the penalty fee? He never gave me the house rules, nor did I sign anything acknowledging such. Looking at the condo's website, the associations policy states that the landlord is responsible for communicating the rules and regulations to their tenants.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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IF they send you a bill you are under no obligation to pay it. If they insist then they can explain it to a judge and let a judge order you to pay. From what you describe, I would not pay their silly fee.

If they are deducting the fee from money that is owed to you from a deposit, then the same applies. First give them a written demand that the penalty not be assessed. If they refuse, go to small claims, let a judge hear what happened, and it will get sorted out.
Thanks for the reply! Thankfully, I didn't have a security deposit. Just first and last month's rent. My old landlord is trying to tell me that its my responsibility but I don't think he has any legal grounds to fine me because I was never given a copy nor did I sign/acknowledge the condo rules/regulations.
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