Can my town actually pass this law?

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I live in the town of Antigonish, a town where RCMP officers love display their power. The town recently created a skate park for skateboarders this past summer and then took it away as fast as it was put up. A small group of boarders basically ruined the park for others. Now this I can see, however, now there is a law which they are currently trying to pass strickly for this town of antigonish where: Skateboarding will be illegal, and that getting caught with a skateboard will result in two nights in jail. Is this possible? This is not a joke, and I do not even know how to skateboard therefore this is not for personal gain.
Thank you for any information that you can provide.

Now since this seems to be in Canada and I don't know much about Canadian law don't take this as an expert's view, but I assume they can. I don't think that skateboarding would be viewed as a basic civil right. The same way a town can pass an ordinance against rollerblading, bicycling, drinking, smoking or other activities, it probably can pass one against skateboarding on public property.
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