My jurisdiction is: New York, USA
Our neighbor is building a large 2 story garage addition on their house. They recently received a town variance to build closer than the allowed 20 ft from our property line. Given the addition will be so close to the property line, they may need to drive on our side of the property to do the construction. We do not want them to drive construction equipment on our land. Do they need to receive our permission or can they just do it? They are under the impression they can as long as they repair any resulting damage. Thanks for your help!
Our neighbor is building a large 2 story garage addition on their house. They recently received a town variance to build closer than the allowed 20 ft from our property line. Given the addition will be so close to the property line, they may need to drive on our side of the property to do the construction. We do not want them to drive construction equipment on our land. Do they need to receive our permission or can they just do it? They are under the impression they can as long as they repair any resulting damage. Thanks for your help!