can not pay child support!

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Right now I am paying $800 a month for child support of 2 girls.. plus $190 for their insurance which gives a total of $990 almost one thousand!!!!! I make $2200 a month. I have a court coming soon because I am trying to lower it! I am married with someone else and recently had a child with her. Seriously WE CAN NOT LIVE WITH 1200 a month. The worst part is that my ex doesn't even spend the money on my girls (she gets food stamps and some other help) she is not working right now so I don't know if that may be a reason to not get a deduction or to pay even more. Can you give some good advices! What can I do in my coming hearing to lower my child support payment?
!. Present statements of your income and your household expenses.

2. Avoid having more children at this time.

As long as these children are fed, clothed, housed and healthy, it is not your business what she does with the support.

Why is yuor support order so high? I am in AZ.....your subsequent child may lower your support but in AZ support is based off of both parents incomes and parenting times. The guidelines are very cut and dry.

Unless you are underemployed or self employed and can prove you make $2200 a month then your support should be reduced.
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