Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Can police do this?

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Hello. This is my first post to the forums. Well, this incident was a long time ago, but just out of curiosity i would like to bring it up. When I was younger (17), I grew up in a rough neighborhood and associated myself with a bunch of people that I shouldn't have messed with. Anyway a few of the guys were into stealing cars and they had taught me how to do it. Being the kid idiot tha I was, I wanted to be cool. These kids here were 16 and 17, making a quick 500 dollars for stealing cars for other people. Money was short so I decided, i'm in.

Anyway me and another guy go to steal a car. I manage to get myself into the civic, and disassembled the ignition and started it. Right at that moment the "friend" that was with me ran out of the car, I was so scared that I just ran too and left the car running.

Anyway a year goes by about and I turned 18. One morning before I woke up for school my sister woke me up real scared and told me the police were outside looking for me. And All I hear is very loud banging on my door. My sister panicking and I go down to talk to them. They show me a picture of when I was sixteen from when I ran away from home at age 16 asking if it was me. I said yes, and they read my my writes and cuffed me. They placed me in their car and proceeded to my house.

Well when I was released a few days later, my sister told me they were searching our house. They went upstairs into my bedroom and were talking to my sister asking questions. Also looking in the living room asking "Who's computers are these, are they all yours, where did you get them, did he steal them". Well they were all my computer parts, I was into computers and learning how to build them so I had several old computers for guinni pigs.

Anyway I know this is really long, but i just never really talked to anyone about this because I lost all ties with those friends after realizing they weren't doing anything to me so it feels good to talk about it, even thought it was so long ago. My question is were they allowed to search my house like that? I understand they had a warrant for my arrest, but does a warrant for arrest include the right to search my house.

Thanks for reading guys.
This is not legal Advise.

It seems that you feel the police were intruding in your premises without permission.
Think about it like this, You did something wrong of which you were man enough to admit.
The police on the other hand have know idea that you have moved on from your last escapade, for all they know you could be still commiting crime and even on a larger scale.
If I were you, I would ignore the fact that they searched you home, just for the fact you have nothing to hide. Hopefully things work out for you, you sound like you have moved along and away from your past antics.

Try and put all this behind you now and move forward in your life, good luck!!
when an arrest is made the police do have the right to search the area in which the arrest took place, normaly its limited to the room unless someone gave them permision to search more or they had a warrent to do so that they showed some one who was home at the time. if they didnt recover anything "of importance" then not much can be done about it in retrospect. the important thing is you had nothing to hide and nothing was found and you moved on and bettered your life.
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