Can police double park /non emergency!!

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New Member
Hi guys I have a question, is it legal for a police vehicle to double park on a 4 laned BLVD. street, 2 lanes going in each direction if the police are only giving out a parking ticket , and not in the midst of an emergency call. If anyone can answert this question can you also possibly cite the law that backs it up?
Thank You
That depends on the state (and you did not indicate yours) ... but, I would be very surprised if even your state does not have a law exempting police from traffic infractions while engaged in their duties.

If you see this done, you are free to complain to the officer's agency. No, it won't get YOU out of a ticket if the officer was double parked writing it.

- Carl
Hi , Carl , I live in NJ , I am just curious if a police vehicle issuing a simple parking violation ticket is legally within its rights to issue the ticket while double parking next to the ticketed car , instead of pulling into the first available spot out of the way of traffic and getting out of the vehicle to issue the ticket. I really need a definate answer on this and i have no idea who to contact in NJ about this. there must be some written law either way addressing this matter . Carl keep in mind I fully understand that if the patrol car was there for an em,ergency this would not even be an issue.
Please help.
Thank You
Hi , Carl , I live in NJ , I am just curious if a police vehicle issuing a simple parking violation ticket is legally within its rights to issue the ticket while double parking next to the ticketed car , instead of pulling into the first available spot out of the way of traffic and getting out of the vehicle to issue the ticket. I really need a definate answer on this and i have no idea who to contact in NJ about this. there must be some written law either way addressing this matter . Carl keep in mind I fully understand that if the patrol car was there for an em,ergency this would not even be an issue.
Please help.
Thank You
Very little of what the police do involves an emergency. And, like I said, chances are they are permitted to violate traffic laws while in the course of their duty (we are in my state). Besides, unless you collided with a police car so parked, how is this an issue for you? If the officer was double parked while issuing you a parking ticket, it does absolutely nothing to defend against your parking ticket. If they were parked in the traffic lane without appropriate emergency lights on, and you smashed into the car, then you might have a case for the patrol vehicle being at least a contributing factor in the collision.

I am not intimately familiar with NJ law in this regard so if you absolutely must know the answer for some odd reason, you might have to pay an attorney to research the question for you.

- Carl
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