Can she sue for harassment?

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My best friend has been living with her boyfriend for 8 years. He has children who do not live with them and has been divorced for 16 years. They all live in Pennsylvania. For the past 5 years her boyfriend's children and their mother have constantly been reeking havoc on her...(calling at all hours, leaving cursing messages directed at her, threatening her, coming to her home trying to start fights when the boyfriend wasn't around, etc.) in which the children and the ex-wife have stated that their goal is to break up my friend and her boyfriend. (I have witnessed a lot of this) The children's ages are 20,19 & 17. Her boyfriend has asked his children and ex-wife repeatedly for these issues to stop, yet they still continue. The children try to guilt him into taking sides and the ex-wife complains that he doesn't love his children. My friend and her boyfriend are thinking about pressing charges of harassment and cruelty on them. Do they have any grounds for this and can they do this...or would this just be considered something such as a domestic dispute? They don't have much financially and I would hate to see them waste what little money they do have...but I also understand why they have come to this conclusion from seeing a lot of this firsthand. Any advice?
I also forgot to mention that they have contacted the police regarding the harassing phone calls from his oldest child and the child has been warned by the police...yet she still continues to leave nasty messages.
If you want to sue the bad people, hire a lawyer (probably $30K) and set aside some time (probably 3 years) and see what happens.
So more or less, what you're saying is that they really can't do anything to prevent his child and ex-wife from harassing them? What about the fact that the behavior of these people are causing them mental and emotional cruelty? Do they have to put up with this, especially since it's been going on for so long and never seems to cease? I don't think waiting 3 years is going to make a difference for them.
This is between the guy and the mother of his kids. 2 of the children are adults so neither parent has any control over them. Sounds like boyfriend needs to grow a backbone and put a stop to all this nonsense and your friend should totally stop communicating with mom. If the adult children are acting like little kids then Dad should stop talking to them until they can be mature and act grown up.
She may be able to get a restarining order using you as a witness and the boyfriend. Then, when they violate the restraining order call the police and see what happens. Be aware that a restarining order is only a piece of paper and will not actually protect her, and could result in an escalation; BUT, it will help document the harrassment and if she does sue later will bolster her claims in court. She needs to take the police reports from her calls when she requests the restraining order.
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