can some one help me im tryin to stop my twins beintaken by social service on the13th

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iam 20yrs old and had twin girls on 21/07/2009 and have been on child protection for 2years as me n ther farther have had fights n just as social services decided to take me for pre court precidings i let a friends cousin get bail to my house and i left him for a hour to watch my girls while they slept as i nipped to a mates and he had took somet and passed out and left somet in ma oven he could remeber who my girls were or weather they were in the fire and now soical are sayin there take them into care if the judge decieds im unfit as a mother im so so scare i love my lil girls so much and is wiling to do anything to keep them has any1 any advice PLEASE.........
You need to talk to a solicitor immediately.

(I'm thinking you're in the UK, yes?).

You were already under close scrutiny and between you and your cousin, you directly endangered the welfare of your children.

If this happened in the US, you'd likely lose the children permanently and even in the UK I believe (I'm British) you're at great risk of losing them.
yes im in uk n it wernt my cousin it wer a friends cousin im not under investigation from the police but social serices i have a meetin in the mornin with a soliciotor but just wanted to know what i can do to prove im a good mum to my girls n had no idea he was like that x
Whoever it was, you had a duty of care to your daughters. You may be given a chance to prove yourself - but with your history, nobody can really guess what's going to happen.
ive always done everything the social have asked ov me in the past just made i really bad judgement is it more likely they will be taken in to forster care as the women said ther at a age for adoption
Georgia, I"m sorry but nobody can really guess. The forum deals with US law as a rule - it's only because I'm actually a Brit living in the US that I'm familiar with UK law at all.

Possible outcomes:

They go into the foster system and you get a chance to redeem yourself and you're reunited eventually with your kids.

They go into the foster system and your parental rights are terminated.

They remain with you now, under supervision.

Nobody really knows.
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