Consumer Law, Warranties can someone help me with my apt lease issues??

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okay, so ive been living at this apt for over 6 months now, and i have had a few complaints here and there from being to loud after hours. we got a new assistant manager, and ever since she started working things have gone downhill. a week or so ago i did have a legitamate complaint, a get together got out of hand and we ended up leaving after the asst manager asked us to be quiet. the next week i got another noise complaint, but i had not been out of my apt any later than 8pm, and when i was outside, there were 5-6 other tenants with me, smoking and drinking. we all made sure to go in early. i called the manager and asked her why i got a another complaint and she stated we werent allowed to have "tenant gatherings" with more than ten people. even though we didnt stay out past ten pm. there is one specific neighbor that keeps hassling me and its got to the point that i cant even go outside to smoke because im afraid she will make another call. im seconds away from getting evicted and i have 1000 worth of deposit. there is only one time where any other tenant got a complaint while i was present, any time any tenants are outside being loud, it ends up in paper on my front door. i feel like i am being targeted. i am currently serving in the military, and one notice that was giving me threatened to contact my commanding officer. if i were a civilian would they call me boss? no, i dont think so. please if anyone can give me advice i would really appreciate it!
You are subject to the UCMJ 24 hours a day.

Yes, they can legally contact your CO.

If they do, you could get an Article 15 or be courts martialed.

If I were you, I'd stop misbehaving.

What you do reflects on the military.

You might want to seek a fresh start and apologize.

Then comport yourself like the defender of freedom you swore to be.

Millions have worn the uniform, and many are not alive today.

You know what is expected of you by now, so deliver!!!

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