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I've never met Trump in person.

I dislike 05-10% of Trump's actions.

That leaves me with 90-95% of the things he does to like, or accept.

However, once I learned the truth about the Donkeys, I don't dislike the individual's, I detest their past misdeeds; specifically their lies surrounding slavery and their deceitful actions as our Black citizens struggled to dethrone Donkey inspired and promoted "Jim Crow".

Trump, as am I, as are you, are far from perfect.

However, I've endeavored to improve my flaws over the years.

I suspect you have, too.

Watching Trump over the past 4 to 5 odd years, he's come a very long way, too.

Bottom line, I don't care too much about or for politicians.

I do care very much about the good things politicians promote and/or achieve.

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