can this be possible

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New Member
i will try my best to keep this short. I am hoping someone can help. A while back I lived w/ my boyfriend in his house, he had a rented apt. in it. We broke up and i moved to south carolina he lives in NY. appearently the tennants moved out, he did not return security. I was named on the case . The first time I went to court and then flew back to sc. Now the ex b/f has claimed bankrupcy and they are comming after me. How is this poss. I never owned that house was never named a landlord on a lease . and his mother and another g/f live there. Why not sue them?/ plz help:mad:
If you had been married then there might be a way to tie you in, but if the leasing was all his doing, before you came and after you left, then you won't likely be ordered to pay.

Do tell the results of the hearing though... you left it out!
the outcome was he lost then requested another hearing . i had to go back to sc.he then went bankrupt. i just dont understand... is everyones b/f g/f held leagally responsible for what they do?we were dating not married.He needed to bring proof that i was not on mortgage for second hearing that i could not go to since i live in anoyher state and would of lost my job, and he just didnt . maybe it was on purpose maybe not. the fact remains i was a guest in that house why am i responsible for his tenents and business practices.
You aren't responsible and it is highly unlikely you will ever be ordered to pay.
It sounds like you should not be an involved party at all.
You might do well to send a letter to the tenants that are trying to sue you and inform them that you have no part in the matter and do not owe them anything. Refer them to the ex-boyfriend.
If you have been served papers to appear in court then take the time to send in a written response. Contact the court to see about the possibility of a telephone appearance if possible since you are out of state. Clearly indicate in your letter that you are not an involved party and you might get the matter dismissed without having to appear. If you just wait until the court date then you will have to show up.
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