Can we make a change?

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New Member
Is it possible to set the boards so that someone MUST post their state or country in the field? Theres just too many times they ask a question and people start to answer and either A- can't get too specific without knowing where the person is, or B - there are a series of answers before the person finally says "Oh, by the way, I'm in Canada."
I don't know if that can be done so easy. I know the frustration though.
On at least one other board where I post it's set up so that you have to select a state from a drop down menu before your question will post - but I have no idea how easy that is to set up.
Thanks for the suggestions people. I will have that programmed within the next week or two. I thought that voluntary system would work (and some forums it's not applicable) but apparently we'll need to make a change.

I'll have some really neat new stuff on here by next week too. You'll see. :)
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