Can we request to pay child support without a court order?

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My fiance has a son from a previous relationship. His son's mother is currently keeping us from seeing him and has been for close to 9 months. She wants us to pay child support to her but refuses to provide us with a receipt. Daddy's name is not on the birth certificate and we have offered to pay for DNA tests to get his name on it but she also refuses to bring his son to the testing facility. If we were to go to the local child support office and request that we begin paying the state for child support would they require her to bring his son in for DNA testing? Also, can we do this without a court order? So far no one has taken anyone to court as we cannot afford it. We plan to in the future but thought it would be beneficial to go ahead and be paying child support to her. Will this help?
My fiance has a son from a previous relationship. His son's mother is currently keeping us from seeing him and has been for close to 9 months. She wants us to pay child support to her but refuses to provide us with a receipt. Daddy's name is not on the birth certificate and we have offered to pay for DNA tests to get his name on it but she also refuses to bring his son to the testing facility. If we were to go to the local child support office and request that we begin paying the state for child support would they require her to bring his son in for DNA testing? Also, can we do this without a court order? So far no one has taken anyone to court as we cannot afford it. We plan to in the future but thought it would be beneficial to go ahead and be paying child support to her. Will this help?

The state will assist dad in establishing paternity and a support order. Thank goodness you haven't paid her directly WITHOUT an established court order.

Here is how and who you contact to get things rolling and legalized:

Dad, your man, might not be the baby daddy.
Do not pay until you've been tested for the DNA.
But in the meantime you can pay directly to her with a money order upon which it clearly states "child support for the month of xxx for (child's name). Keep a copy for your records. I don't think the state will process the payments for you without court orders.
DO NOT PAY A CENT until the court orders you to do so. IF YOU MUST PAY, pay via the legal and designated office of child support in your local venue. Anything paid directly can be construed as a gift. (in some cases even with a memo stating "pay as child support")
Agreed do not pay a DIME! A money given to Mom will be considered a gift NOT support!! Its possible back support could be owed even though it was paid previously.
Mom is likely on social services and once they discover who dad is will likely come after him for arrears. Mom was likely hoping to pocket extra money.
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