Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft canada-first offence, approached,not arrested

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I recently shoplifted a little was stupid, i dont know why i did it and ifeel terrible.

I was approached by the LPO, but i was not dettained, cops were not icalled and i left the store.

I wanted to go back and admit what i had done...but i was scared. Now what? Will the store send cops to my house? Will i be sent a fine via mail? Will ihave to go to court?
i've learned my lesson....what so i expect to happen now?

Pls help!
Nno-didnt run.

I bought other stuff-he approched me with he packaging and said dont forget the rest of it for thw brush that is in you bag.

I panicked and said i didnt have a brush. The cashier informed me the guy was LPO, that there are cameras in the store she said she wasnt acussing me but if i had taken something the LPO would call the cops.
Again, out of panic i said i really didnt take anything.
i paid for my other stuff and left..
it was wrong to steal and lie and now i'm freaking out..
The normal procedure for a shoplifting stop is to detain the subject. Since he did not I suspect he lacked the criteria his company requires to make such a stop. Where he could file a Police complaint I doubt he will since he lacked enough evidence to even detain you so why would a Prosecutor take case? Without your name and address he cant even file if he wants to. I would advise you stay out fo that store for a while though
I do intend to and will absolutely never do it again!

If they did have a name/addres-would it be more likely that they would persue?
It depends on store policy but until that happens I would not worry. Perosnally I dont see that happening for a number of reasons
Thank you for the advice...might i ask the reason of your previous post?

I read another post similar to mine- someone said that store/police

could obtain info from a debit card?
Yes they can by LP had you there unlike other posts. If they wanted to file a criminal complaint they would have detained you and instead of seeking your info via a debit card they would ask you directly
Why was i not detained? Not enough evidence? How could a camera lie?

He aproached me and said the item was in my bag- was that to get me to crack and admit or was that ued to scare me and let me know that i would be caught even though i left untouched?
I cannot tell you what camera saw or did not see. What I am telling you is its likely what he had did not meet store criteria to stop and detain you. He was hoping you would crack and confess. Even if he ha dno intention to file charges he would at least detain you long enough to fill out paperwork and seek civil demand. My guess (its only a guess) is he did not have what he was required to make a stop so he was taking chance you would return item if confronted. Its easier to file a Police complaint for both store and police if they detain you at time.
I understand, thank you.

I still have fear that cops will show up to my door step, but if the LPO didnt question me..more or less had taken a chance, i should just cross my fingers and hope?
i certainly wont go back to that store and most definitely will not do something so stupid again.

I am debating telling my husband about it
..he knkws when i am stressed and will ask questions. Im not worried that he will be against me or turn me in..i just wonder if i should keep it to myself (and hope nothing comes of it). If something does come up-cops come to my dor leter in the mail..would it be wise to play dumb or fess up to him and the cops?
Thank you- i will take a look at it.

This situation has caused me much personal upset, i regret doing it and wish i could take it back...

I keep hoping that because the item was small value (which i know doesnt mean anything, itwas still theft), and it is my first and only offence, i was not detained and police were not called...that i am in a panic for nothing.
but that little part of me knows there were camera's, theLPO had suggested i had shoplifted and have no idea what will happen from here...i feel sick to my stomach, anxious and can see losing sleep ovrr something i should have never done.
Should i just wait and see? Should i contact a lawyer just in case?
After having the day to think and calm down... I've read some info....considering the LPO 'suspected' me of theft, did not detain me nor did he retrieve product from my person... Unless he directly saw the brush in my hand, go into my bag... He cannot prove even with camera that it went in my bag.. I could have easily dropped.. But again, unless he actually observed that couldnt prove it?

When i walked into the store- i had keys in my hand, a few minutes later i took a shopping list out of my bag. After this i made my stupid to steal....I opened the package- took the product and pretended to look at another product as i put the empty one back. From there i held it in my hand (with my keys and shopping list)... Did my shopping and as i looked at something else, put my keys and list (and product) in my bag to grab something from the shelf to put in my basket.

How could they guarantee i had the brush in my hand- they can only assume. I was never searched and so they never saw that i actually had product.
Therefore- how could they press charges on an assumption? Again, could have just been my keys and list...
shrinkmaster said:
What is basically what I have been telling you

I realize that now.... That my head is clear and this whole thing made me lose sleep.

Although, opening a package could be grounds for charges on theft.. Yes?
Another thought I had... Not that i am trying to defend my wrong...

But is the LPO not suppose to approach you/detain you until you have passed the point of purchase- which gives the ground to say you never intended to pay for the product..? Everywhere I have been reading, this seems to be procedure as they cannot prove you do not intend to pay for the stolen item until you habe left the purchase point. Or does this vary from place to place?

If said procedure is true... He approached me as I approached the cashier.. None of my purchases had been run through and my money had not yet been accepted by the cashier.
This makes me believe he was trying to lure me into confessing as he had no hard proof that the stolen item was on my person.

Please, correct me if i am wrong.
Laws vary by state on this and in many concealment alone is a crime. The policy you speak us is under store policy not law
Past point of sale is only a relevant defense of intent if you
placed the item on the checkout counter and the cashier forgot
to scan it, and you got arrested for it. Subjects have been
arrested in-store by law enforcement for concealing products
without ever having contact with Loss Prevention. The factor is
intent, removing a product from it's packaging and concealing it
in a purse vs placing some oranges in an e-bag while your doing
your shopping. If an employee advised the LPO they thought you
were stealing and he found the empty package, he could've easily
rewound the tape and grabbed you when you walked outside.

If Loss Prevention Personnel made contact with you, there is a very
high likelihood the store is aware you stole the product because
the footage would've been reviewed within minutes of the incident
due to strict LP contact policies. In situations where the subject
escapes, the Loss Prevention Dept will try to identify you from a
bank/credit card or get a plate number. Once Loss Prevention has a
name or a way to identify you, a Police Detective will get a search
warrant and you'll be hearing from them in-person. It's not relevant
if the evidence recovery is made, they have the shrink sheet and tape.

You'd be surprised by the amount of retailer and police resources
spent trying to find someone that stole a $10 product, dropped it,
and ran from an LPO that got their plate. Conversely the subject
may be looking at several additional charges to the theft such as
resisting, escape, assault, possession, etc. taking county shoptheft
diversion programs off the table. If Detectives have a tape and a
way to put a name to the face, they WILL work them, almost regardless
of the value of the stolen product. It's considered a crime against
the state.

In your situation, the guy probably didn't want to bother pursuing
the theft due to the low value of the item you stole. The LPO still
has the ability to identify you and initiate criminal proceedings
against you, but the likelihood is very low. Individual retailers
invest millions of dollars annually in loss prevention programs and
surveillance systems to apprehend thieves, but most people still
underestimate the consequences for stealing $5 worth of merchandise.
Even if you don't get charged, you'll still be looking at a civil
demand and a police arrest record, which never goes away.
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