Cancelling time share vacation packae

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I purchased vacation time share and it is not what I thought it was all about. The property were not what I expected. Things were very old and not function properly and I was very disappointed. I want to cancel the plan and stop paying for this plan. What are my objects.
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This would depend on how the agreement is written but, unfortunately, the people who run these things tend to make sure they're pretty iron-clad.

A lot of reading the fine print is going to be essential for you.
I purchased vacation time share and it is not what I thought it was all about. The property were not what I expected. Things were very old and not function properly and I was very disappointed. I want to cancel the plan and stop paying for this plan. What are my objects.

It is very unlikely you can cancel one of these horrible contracts.

I've heard some people say they declared bankruptcy in an attempt to get out from under the oppressive financial boot of these THUGS.

I can't say if that works or if its just urban legend.


Some people report success by selling these things at a loss.

Others even pay companies to "buy" (I use the term advisedly) these THINGS at a cost of $5,000 (or so) to get out from under the oppressive financial boot.

A few people report success by transferring ownership to a LLC, and then declaring the LLC bankrupt.

I suggest you consult a GOOD real estate lawyer.

Otherwise, there's little else to do but pay through the nose for until death comes a calling.
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