cannot contact my landlord

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New Member
My landlord (homeowner) lives upstate, and I send the rent checks by mail. She recently left me a voice mail with her new phone number. I accidentally erased this message and now cannot get in touch with her. I sent her one letter requesting it, and she did not respond. I sent her a second letter that was attached to this months rent check, again no response. I know she received it, since the rent check has been deposited. I feel that the only way to get her to call me is to stop paying rent, but I do not want to do this since I would have to pay late fees, but am frustrated that she will not give me a working phone number. If there is ever an emergency or problem with the house, I will not be able to contact her. What are my best options in this case?
My landlord (homeowner) lives upstate, and I send the rent checks by mail. She recently left me a voice mail with her new phone number. I accidentally erased this message and now cannot get in touch with her. I sent her one letter requesting it, and she did not respond. I sent her a second letter that was attached to this months rent check, again no response. I know she received it, since the rent check has been deposited. I feel that the only way to get her to call me is to stop paying rent, but I do not want to do this since I would have to pay late fees, but am frustrated that she will not give me a working phone number. If there is ever an emergency or problem with the house, I will not be able to contact her. What are my best options in this case?

Send her a letter via FedEx or UPS (overnight service).
In the letter you ask her for her telephone contact.
Tell her you will ONLY use it for emergency situations.
If she doesn't respond, I would NOT withhold my rent!
That is not a legitimate reason to withhold rent.
She may not wish to provide you with a telephone contact.
If not, you might ask her for an email address, so that you can contact her in emergency situations.
Or, ask her for another person that you can contact in an emergency.
She may not want to provide any of that information to you.
Should she decline, and you really need that information, you might want to begin looking for anther rental unit before your lease expires.
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