Can't get back support reduced for child 21 now.

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I owe back support for my son who is 21yrs. old. He is not living with his mother nor is he in school. He has a 1yr. old son now and he is working. I owe the back support due to being laid off work and in between jobs. When unemployed, payments were taken from my unemployment checks.

I went to court and filed and appeal to reduced payments. I can't afford paying $240.00 a week. NOT A MONTH< A WEEK! My ex told the judge she didn't want to reduced the amount and the judge ruled on her behalf.

Please tell me, how I can reduce these payments? I'm willing to pay monthly or weekly if its reduced so I can live.:dunno

What can I do?:(
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Unless your state allows you to appeal this decision to another judge, you are stuck paying this back child support.

Initially I felt sorry for you for having been laid off but your last few sentences seem to indicate that your reason for wanting these amounts reduced is so you can marry someone else and not have to pay back all that you owe.

Thanks for your reply, but I want to pay what I owe. I'm not running from that. I just want the payments reduced and nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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