car being repossesed

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New Member
My boyfriend's ex-wife has a car they use to share. In the divorce papers its says that he is suppose to make the payments for a yr and then she is to take over them. The yr. is over and she's not paying. She called and said she going to just let the car get repossesed, stating that a volunteer repo won't go against your credit. We don't want the car and can't afford it ourselves. Anyone know what my boyfriends options are?
Get the car get it current and sale it -- a vol repo will affect your credit just as bad as a real repo. They will sue him for the deficient balance. He has a better chance of selling it himself.
I agree he needs to sell it or find someone that you know and trust that wants to borrow the car and make payments. A voluntarily repo is still a repo and just as bad. He needs to sell the car if he can.
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