Car - Bike Accident

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I was riding my tandem bicycle with my 10-year-old son east on a busy, four-lane divided main road in Albuquerque, NM. I was riding on the sidewalk. I then left the sidewalk and proceeded to cross a side road in the crosswalk. I was approximately in the middle of the side road when a pickup truck hit me broadside. The pickup truck was heading west on the main road and made a left hand turn into the side road. He was heading south when he hit me. I was in a painted pedestrian crossing when he hit me.

According to the police report he was cited for making an illegal left turn. The driver of the vehicle is insured by Allstate.

I am currently on a bicycle tour across America with my family and was passing through Albuquerque. I am now stuck here with no place to stay and no means of transportation. I sustained injuries in the accident, but am reluctant to have them attended to since I don't know how much his insurance will cover (if any) and I have no health insurance. I went to an urgent care center and they suggested I get an X-ray of at least my wrist. I didn't have the means to pay for them so I declined. At this point I don't know how badly the bike was damaged – the bike store is evaluating the bike now.

What do you suggest? How much, if any, can I ask the insurance company to reimburse me?

Thank you very much – John Vogel
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