Car Break-In At Movie Theatre

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New Member
Tonight, my brother's car was broken into via a breakage of the rear passenger-side window at a movie theatre parking lot and his girlfriend's purse was stolen. The vehicle was parked in the front of the parking lot no more than 50 feet from the theatre entrance. The theatre has a problem with vehicle damage (my own car had two tires slashed a few years ago) and has posted signs stating that they are not liable for damages to vehicles or thefts occurring in their parking lot.

My question is whether or not they are actually liable (and if they are any relevant case law that would apply). They have adequate lighting, but no security guards or surveillance cameras. It seems to me that they are aware of a crime problem but instead of purchasing signs even suggesting the presence of security cameras they attempted to limit their liability with other signs stating as much.

Lief Fenno
Harvard University
Probably not. You would have to prove some sort of negligence on the movie theatre's behalf. Cars get broken in all the time in parking lots. It does not mean they were at fault.

His best bet is to file a claim with his insurance company.
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