Car crashes into Taxi Cab (injuries) - Who is liable?

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As a independent contractor for a Taxi Cab company in California and while driving the Taxi Cab with a friend or, a customer riding in the front passenger seat of the Taxi Cab, a car hits the Taxi Cab and that other party is found "at fault".

I am aware that both occupants in the Taxi Cab (the driver and passenger) who were both injured in the auto accident can sue the other parties' insurance carrier for general damages (personal injury).

Remember that the Taxi Cab driver is an IC and was injured and so was the passenger whom was riding in the front seat of the Taxi Cab. Who can the Taxi Cab driver sue for damages? And, who can the passenger of the Taxi cab sue for damages?

I heard that the Taxi Cab companies' insurance carrier can also be held liable for damages. True or False?
Per your 2nd paragraph, you've already established that the driver and passenger can recover from the other driver's insurance company. What more do you want?
Thank-you dee_dub. If you ever find yourself as a victim of personal injury, please call me, I only charge 22%. I let you keep 10% - no worry. umm... I should not have to disclose any confidential facts of both parties involved. This includes the degree of injuries and, whether or not the party at fault had insurance...

Please, this thread is open for replies. Your legal expertise is welcome.
Is this a crummy commercial??

It just may be. Are you in need of a lawyer? My job would bore to death if it wasn't fun! Maybe even a big law firm w/ a toll-free number. Just imagine: "..Sir, how bad are you hurt? You're able to walk, correct? Okay, let me transfer you to the next attorney in line.."
6 months later, the commercial: " me 2.1 million dollars."

We'll keep you posted.
It's a legitimate question. If, as you say, that at fault driver's insurance company is liable, what more do you want? Am I missing something?
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