Car Dealer Gave Me Car with Diff VIN than Paperwork


New Member
The car dealer had me test drive a car etc.. and I signed the paperwork to lease the car and took it home. 1 month later after driving the car, the dealer called and asked for my VIN number because they think they gave me the wrong car. Turns out, they had put all the inspection stickers, registration, sale tickets etc.. for a 2017 Honda Civic on the 2018 Honda Civic and gave it to me. This was a mistake from taking it to the inspection and putting it in the LOT to the end. When I got the car, the VIN on the inspection etc matched the VIN they had and gave me. I have my insurance on it and registration. I found out now 30 days later that I am driving a DIFFERENT CAR.

Should the dealer switch the paperwork for the 1month they put me under SEVERE risk of either arrest, accidents, driving with insurance on a different vehicle etc..

Am I able to ask for compensation for time at RISK due to their mistake?

Thank you!
If they correct everything, then they don't owe you anything else. You might get a free oil change or something for your inconvenience, if you ask for it, but they don't owe you for "putting you under severe risk" since nothing did happen. Personally I think severe risk is a stretch. We all face risks every day of our lives. If we survive the day we thank our lucky stars.
You were a fool for not checking that the VIN matched when you took delivery of the car.

You can blame yourself as much, or maybe more than, the dealership.
SEVERE risk of either arrest, accidents, driving with insurance on a different vehicle etc. do you figure you were under any sort of increased risk of accident? That's just silly.

Am I able to ask for compensation for time at RISK due to their mistake?

You are "able to ask for" anything you like, but you're not entitled to receive anything for damages you didn't suffer and for which you were under no appreciable risk of suffering.

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