Car issues and my stupidity

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A couple months ago around December or January i bought a truck the company said I couldn't put it in my name due to the fact i didn't have license well it was put in my exes mothers name well apparently he put it in his name behind my back I have had to people tell me that I could go to make strafe court showing i purchased it and could get it back that way I am just curious if that is possible .
The truck was never in your name, correct?

It belonged - legally - to your ex's mother...and she gifted it to your ex?
It was never your vehicle. If you want it back you better ask reeeeaaaaallll nicely.

Never pot your property in someone else's name. You should have gotten your license then bought the vehicle in your own name.

Lesson learned.
If you let it be put in someone else's name other than yours, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
(unless the person is willing to give it to you)
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