Car Loan

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New Member
I dated my boyfriend for a couple of year and he co-signed on a car loan with me. We broke up in May and he wants the car out of his name, which I have no problem with. I have tried to refinance it and have had no luck. I even went as far trying to trade it in but the dealership wants 3000 down and almost $600 a month on a 3 year lease and I can not afford that. He is now telling me he is going to hire a lawyer and take me to court over it. I make the payments on the car and i have never been late on them, i pay them about a week before they are due. The car is also registered and insured in my name, he also took the extra key. Is there anything he can do to take the car or will they see that I don't make late payments and do nothing. Please help.
Whose name or names is/are on the title?
Also he took the extra key to the car. What can I do about that. I am affraid that I am going to wake up one morning for work and the car is going to be gone.
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