Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Car search after speeding violation

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My son's friend was pulled over for speeding in SC. My son was a passenger. The police officer made both of the boys give him their drivers license. He then made them get out of the car and said to my son you look nervous and patted him down. Nothing was found on either of them or in the car. Isn't this an illegal search especially if no reason was given. What recourse do we have?
unfortuneitly if he looks nervouse, thats legal enough for a cop to do a frisk.(terry v ohio) a cop can search based on probable cause, im not to clear if he has to give a reason right away or not. the important thing was that your son and his friend didnt have anything illegal on them or in the car.
illegal for sure ... damages?

... clearly, it was an illegal search ... as far as a remedy, what'damage' did the boy9s0 suffer. A federal civil rights suit is possible, but ...
... TYPO corrections ...


... clearly, it was an illegal search ... as far as a remedy, what 'damage' did the boy(s) suffer. A federal civil rights suit is possible, but ... JUST FIXING MY USUAL TYPOS!!!
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