Car stolen from employers drooped the ball

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(I am not really sure where this fits in so I am puting it here too)

I am an RN in the NICU of a local hospital. This past Saturday night my back pack was stolen from my unit while I was trying to start an IV on a baby. I know who did it because there was only one family in there at the time. ( very rouh derilict type family)

When this family left the unit I noticed my back pack was gone so I knew they stole it and called security immediately. I do not keep anything of value in my work back pack so I really wasn't worried about the back pack itself but my car keys were in there. I immediately ran downstairs and met security to go into the parking lot to make sure my car was there, which at that time it was.

Security said they would watch my car while I filled out the police report and got my spare key brought from home so I could move my car to a safe location.

Well...while I was filling out the police report inside the hospital. The hospital's security people left my car unattended and the thieves came back and use my keyless entry to steal my car , They were able to identify it b/c the make of my car was on imprinted on my key. So all they had to do was click to see which car responded.

My question is: Is the hospital liable b/c they neglected to watch my car as they stated they would? I would have sat out there myself and made the police officer come to my car to do the report had I known they were not going to watch it. Yes, my car is insured but I have a deductible not mention the rental car, etc. and I am absolutely furious with the hospital security department!!!!
Any advice would be very helpful.

Thank you so much
I don't see how they could be held responsible. You have to prove negligence and security is NEVER guaranteed. There is no 100% guarantee your car is going to be safe.

Have you filed a police report?

If they found out who stole the car you could sue them civilly for the deductible.
Of course I filed a police report....

Had security not said that they were going to watch my car I would not be so angry but the assured me they were going to watch in until my valet key could be brought from home. Then I could move my car to a safe location. Had they not said they were going to watch it I would have stayed with myself and made the police officer come to my car to do the initial report.... This is just UNBELIEVABLE!!:mad:
Ok I read your post again, I am still not sure you have a case, even though security told you they would watch your car.

Are there signs up that say they are not responsible if anything happens to your car?

Is the security company subconstracted by the hospital, or do they work directly for the hospital?

I am thinking you MIGHT have a small claim against the security company, for your dedeuctible if anything.
No they have no signs up that I know of...
I believe that they are employees of the hospital not subcontracted

I realize that if my car was stolen before we had verified it being in the parking lot, and before they said they would watch my car I wouldn't have an issue with them.

My point is they KNEW and SAID they were going to watch it. THEY DIDN'T , now my car is gone... I am so unbelievably frustrateded right now!!:mad:

Thanks for you help:)
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