Car Towed Away For No Reason


New Member
New Jersey
Hello My Name is Ricky Martinez And I reside In Neptune NJ . I started working for A Gas Company Called US Petroleum on Jan 26 2017. My uncle David hired me as he was a general manager at a gas station in Camden and had to supervise many gas stations . I did my job correctly and with pride. I ended up saving enough money to buy a car, a 1998 Honda Accord . Sadly May 25th My uncle David Passed away and I ended up making the trip to Camden to go to my uncle's wake . I was fired June 11th For no reason But after the wake my transmission started acting up and I ended up leaving the car in Camden with my father who the cars name is under because he worked at the same gas station as my uncle. My father ended up becoming the new manager at the gas station and he got permission to keep the vehicle on the lot until I can get the car back down to where I'm at (Because the owner was very close with my uncle and understood the situation). My father ended up quiting about month ago and has stated working for a towing company
My father spoke to the owner of the gas station and everything was supposed to be fine. And August 16 My dad called the owner of the gas station Early in the morning to notify him that he would be picking up the vehicle Later on that day and Again the owner agreed saying that's was ok. Later on that night my father took a 2 Hour drive to the gas station and got there at around 9:30 pm with a tow truck ready and my car ended up getting towed that same day right after they got off the phone because the owner called and said my car is abandoned. So ultimately he ended up driving that way and paying $75 for driving up there . I called the owner that night and he told me he had no idea what Happened that he didn't call . But when my father called him in the morning her said it was a miscommunication. We kept trying to contact him but he never responded and wouldn't tell us who towed the car. Finally after calling every tow company we found out the company he called with and they said the owner called saying it was abandoned, yet we spoke that same day letting him know we were going to get it. And then I found out they broke the car window , something the tow company is not allowed to do because they have lock out kits,that car has been sitting in the lot and I am fully capable of retreiving the car with a tow truck. I just don't have the funds and the car is not abandoned because I just put a new rotor, Motor Mount, Oil and trans Fluid Change, and brakes. My car was not abandoned and I need for The owner To Pay For My car to come out the lot so me and my father can go and retrieve the vehicle. Please Help me This guys has been playing with my life and I really worked hard on that vehicle. I need for that man to Pay for that lot price which only goes higher everyday. Not to mention he will not respond to my calls or texts!!!
Sorry, there's no LEGAL way to make a property owner pay the owner of a car that was towed.

The tow company might be liable for damages, but you'll be liable for tow fees, storage costs, etc...

The longer the car sits on the lot, what someone owes in storage and fees probably exceeds the value of the car, or will very soon exceed the car's value.
You left the car on the lot for nearly 3 months? It is hard to make the case that it was not abandoned.

You need to get the car from the tow yard immediately. The longer it sits there the more expensive it gets. If you believe someone owes you for the fees you have to pay then you resolve that in court later, but don't wait for someone else to pay the fee up front. It won't happen.

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