Car window broken at work, security guard saw potential criminals

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Wife's Tahoe's window broken, causing about $500 in damage (glass, window regulator, trim). Purse taken with no real value inside. Car was parked in the middle of a covered parking deck.

Police report was taken. Security guard for building (third party company) put in police report that he saw suspicious people by the car but didn't do anything. We later found out that he was reporting for his shift when this happened, not yet on duty. Wife tells me that she has seen broken glass in the lot lately but hasn't actually talked to anyone who has their car busted in to as well.

The business my wife works for just rents the space in the building. Wife contacted the property manager and they are of course, reluctant to pay.

What is their liability in the instance. Can I sue them for the damages and win if they won't pay? If so, what for?

Thanks in advance

I of course want them to pay for the damage to the car. Can I sue them and win
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Does the company responsible for the property promise that there will be no damage to vehicles parked there? (I have never seen such a promise ever made, but, you never know ...)

Did the security personnel behave in any way unreasonably? Did the security officer fail to report a crime in progress? What negligent act was committed by the security personnel or the property owner/manager? Had the security procedures changed significantly recently?

It is highly doubtful that you are going to get the property management company to cover the damages. if they do, lucky for you. Chances are they will not as that would be a precedent they would be foolish to establish.

It is NOT the job of a security guard to confront people in the parking garage. I imagine people are in and out all the time. if he called the cops every time he saw someone standing around, the local police would probably hook the guard up!

The responsible parties here are the criminals that broke the window and not the property manager. Certainly feel free to ask them to pay, but unless you can articulate some negligence on the part of the property management or their agents, I just don't see that you have a viable claim.
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