I would avoid sending anything through the US Mail (or any package delivery service) that could bring you legal difficulty if you handed the item to a person.
In your case, 1-2 grams of "the two sisters -Mary & Jane-" sent through the US Postal service would definitely result in a prosecution.
Lately, it appears, people have begun sending the "two sisters" through the mail.
Arrests for such activity are on the increase.
Law Office of Christopher G Humphrey PC | Christopher G HumphreyYou could be charged in the state you live and the state you sent it. you could be charged with Conspiracy, and attempted Delivery of a Controlled Substance. There could be a federal charge under Title 18 USC 841.... Just delivery alone in Wyoming is 0-10 years in prison. depending on who charges you, many different things could happen. This is a fact intensive question. Go speak with a criminal defense attorney immediately.
If you get away with it, be smarter, don't do it again.
Marijuana: less than 50 kilograms marijuana (but does not include 50 or more marijuana plants regardless of weight)
1 to 49 marijuana plants
First Offense: Not more than 5 yrs. Fine not more than $250,000, $1 million if other than an individual.
Second Offense: Not more than 10 yrs. Fine $500,000 if an individual, $2 million if other than individual.
What you've done could be charged as a felony.
It was foolish for both of you.
Wake up, you don't want to ruin your life, do you?
Craig W. Elhart, P.C. | Craig Elhart
This is a federal offense and the penalty will depend on what you are ultimately charged with.
Answer Applies to: Michigan
Fitzpatrick, Mariano, & Santos, PC | Raymond J. SavoyYou can be charged under both Federal and State statutes. The amount of a jail sentence depends on the charge. I would need to know the charge before I can advise you of possible jail sentences.
Answer Applies to: Connecticut
Law Office of Phillip Weiser | Phillip L. Weiser
This would be a Federal charge, and the penalty would depend upon your prior criminal history and the level of crime charged.
Answer Applies to: Kansas
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Request Rejected
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