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I am making an inquiry for a friend concerning a legal matter. I have include a PDF file in which I try to outline her situation. I would appreciate any further information of how to resolve this. Thanks


What does she need to do to protect herself? What is her legal standing in this matter?

This will undoubtedly result in a lawsuit, what type of lawyer will she need? Thanks
What does she need to do to protect herself? What is her legal standing in this matter?

This will undoubtedly result in a lawsuit, what type of lawyer will she need? Thanks

A lawyer might be unable to help her.

Based upon your recitation of events, she most likely failed to fully understand her obligations and duties involved in a WC claim.

However, she can initially talk to two or three general practice attorneys in her county.

The initial consultation is normally offered at no charge or future obligation.

If money is an issue, she should ask about initial consultation charges before she proceeds.

Depending upon how much money is being alleged she owes, a bankruptcy might be her only solution.

Chiropractors should generally be avoided when workers comp or similar insurances are involved.

Furthermore, a person being treated under workers comp is required to follow their rules to ensure treatment is reimbursed.

Hence, my suggestion that if the amount in question is too burdensome financially, bankruptcy might be her only legal relief.
A lawyer might be unable to help her.

Based upon your recitation of events, she most likely failed to fully understand her obligations and duties involved in a WC claim.

However, she can initially talk to two or three general practice attorneys in her county.

The initial consultation is normally offered at no charge or future obligation.

If money is an issue, she should ask about initial consultation charges before she proceeds.

Depending upon how much money is being alleged she owes, a bankruptcy might be her only solution.
A lawyer might be unable to help her.

Based upon your recitation of events, she most likely failed to fully understand her obligations and duties involved in a WC claim.

However, she can initially talk to two or three general practice attorneys in her county.

The initial consultation is normally offered at no charge or future obligation.

If money is an issue, she should ask about initial consultation charges before she proceeds.

Depending upon how much money is being alleged she owes, a bankruptcy might be her only solution.

Chiropractors should generally be avoided when workers comp or similar insurances are involved.

Furthermore, a person being treated under workers comp is required to follow their rules to ensure treatment is reimbursed.

Hence, my suggestion that if the amount in question is too burdensome financially, bankruptcy might be her only legal relief.

Thank you for your response. It is appreciated

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