Carwash Malfunction

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Its been a bad day. I was on my way to work this afternoon and I decided to stop by a local automatic car wash to clean off my vehicle. The entire car wash is automated, I paid for the wash with my debit card and pulled in. This carwash has doors that close during cold weather to prevent freezing.At the end of the wash the doors opened up and the timed blower came on to dry the vehicle I pulled up into the blower. I pulled back and fourth a couple of times to dry my SUV evenly and to ensure that no water was trapped in my roof rack. The timer finished and I started to pull out, when the door came down, it caught my roof rack and caused some cosmetic damage to my vehicle, it also caused damage to the door on the carwash.

I called the number on the door of the carwash and got a voicemail. I didn't want to leave the seen so I had to call my boss and explain what happend and ended up missing work. Luckily a lady who works in a nearby store saw it happen and called the carwash owner. The owner sent a guy over, he seemed nice, he looked at my damage, we were cool, he said he would have the owner call me to talk about the damage. Well a few hours ago the guy calls and basically accuses me of letting the door come down on me. He said he watched the surveilance tape and that I was moving back and fourth. I didn't deny it because I was. I never left the carwash I drove forward and back twice about 3 feet each time just to dry my car. He insenuaded that I was liable for the damage to the door. I asked for the owners phone number and he refused to give it to me. In my opinion the door malfunctioned, there should be a failsafe that won't allow the door to close when something is in the way. I think the carwash owner is lucky that it didn't come down and kill someone. What are my options?
Thanks for nothing

First of all I would like to think you all for your deluge of responses......

I settled it all myself without the help of any ambulance chasers,thanks again.
Sorry To Bug You. I Read Your Post And Wanted To Know How You Handle Your Problem. I Am At The Moment Going Thru The Same Circumstance. A Car Wash Damage My Car And Now The Car Wash Is Saying that I Damage Their Car Wash On Purpose. They Are Wanting My Car Insurace Info. I Spoke To My Boss And He Said To Give It To Them. He Said Send Two Estimates On My Car With My Witness Statement.

Wonder Is You Could Tell Me How Are Handle It.

Why would a personal injury attorney, or "ambulance chaser" want to give advice on a case that doesn't even involve an injury? What you had is a property damage claim and most "ambulance chasers" do not handle property damage ONLY claims. Not to mention there wasn't even an ambulance involved. People like you call me all day. It's amusing. But I would have helped if you didn't mind the fee of 33.33% taken off the top of your settlement.
Its been a bad day. I was on my way to work this afternoon and I decided to stop by a local automatic car wash to clean off my vehicle. The entire car wash is automated, I paid for the wash with my debit card and pulled in. This carwash has doors that close during cold weather to prevent freezing.At the end of the wash the doors opened up and the timed blower came on to dry the vehicle I pulled up into the blower. I pulled back and fourth a couple of times to dry my SUV evenly and to ensure that no water was trapped in my roof rack. The timer finished and I started to pull out, when the door came down, it caught my roof rack and caused some cosmetic damage to my vehicle, it also caused damage to the door on the carwash.

I called the number on the door of the carwash and got a voicemail. I didn't want to leave the seen so I had to call my boss and explain what happend and ended up missing work. Luckily a lady who works in a nearby store saw it happen and called the carwash owner. The owner sent a guy over, he seemed nice, he looked at my damage, we were cool, he said he would have the owner call me to talk about the damage. Well a few hours ago the guy calls and basically accuses me of letting the door come down on me. He said he watched the surveilance tape and that I was moving back and fourth. I didn't deny it because I was. I never left the carwash I drove forward and back twice about 3 feet each time just to dry my car. He insenuaded that I was liable for the damage to the door. I asked for the owners phone number and he refused to give it to me. In my opinion the door malfunctioned, there should be a failsafe that won't allow the door to close when something is in the way. I think the carwash owner is lucky that it didn't come down and kill someone. What are my options?

I pulled back and fourth a couple of times to dry my SUV evenly and to ensure that no water was trapped in my roof rack.

Ah! So you are the one who caused the problem.

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