4 years ago I got into a verbal argument with my wife, which upset her dad. He called his friend, a Deputy, and I ended up charged with 4 misdemeanors, which my wife and I know never happened. The Judge realized what happened and dropped the case.
This issue is that now, I have finished my teaching degree and most of the applications ask: "Have you ever been convicted or charged with a felony or misdemeanor, other than traffic violations?" Even the application required to volunteer as a Scout parent for my kids asks this. Do I have to say "Yes, I was charged" even though the case was dropped? It's not fair that something that happened because of a liar and his friend with a badge, I should be haunted by this. What can I do? Most schools, whether they admit it or not, are going to see "Yes" checked and automatically pass me by.
This issue is that now, I have finished my teaching degree and most of the applications ask: "Have you ever been convicted or charged with a felony or misdemeanor, other than traffic violations?" Even the application required to volunteer as a Scout parent for my kids asks this. Do I have to say "Yes, I was charged" even though the case was dropped? It's not fair that something that happened because of a liar and his friend with a badge, I should be haunted by this. What can I do? Most schools, whether they admit it or not, are going to see "Yes" checked and automatically pass me by.