Criminal Records, Expungement Case dismissed but still haunt me?

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4 years ago I got into a verbal argument with my wife, which upset her dad. He called his friend, a Deputy, and I ended up charged with 4 misdemeanors, which my wife and I know never happened. The Judge realized what happened and dropped the case.
This issue is that now, I have finished my teaching degree and most of the applications ask: "Have you ever been convicted or charged with a felony or misdemeanor, other than traffic violations?" Even the application required to volunteer as a Scout parent for my kids asks this. Do I have to say "Yes, I was charged" even though the case was dropped? It's not fair that something that happened because of a liar and his friend with a badge, I should be haunted by this. What can I do? Most schools, whether they admit it or not, are going to see "Yes" checked and automatically pass me by.
You will need to answer honestly to the apps otherwise that can come back to bite you later. About the only thing you could do is maybe write in charges dropped in the box. I would also maybe contact a lawyer and see about suing the father for defamation of character. It might not hold up, but it doesn't hurt to talk to one.
You will need to answer honestly to the apps otherwise that can come back to bite you later. About the only thing you could do is maybe write in charges dropped in the box.


I am not a lawyer,so please take that as a disclaimer that prevents me from offering legal advice to anyone,you included.

Pick up the phone and ask a lawyer .

But,in my opinion,no,I disagree,I think you could do more than that.

Any individual who has a low-level conviction, had a case dismissed or released without charge and does not have any other convictions on his record may qualify for expungement Most states permit individuals who have had their records expunged to answer in the negative if asked whether they have been arrested or charged of a crime. Therefore, if asked on a job application, an applicant with an expunged record may answer "no" to having been charged with a crime.

When there is no guilty verdict, the all arrest records, petitions, orders, docket sheets, and any other documents relating to the case may be expunged. Ark. Code Ann. §16-90-906.

Who is eligible for an expungement?

(6) Any individual who has been charged and arrested for any criminal offense where the charges are subsequently nolle prossed or dismissed, or the individual is acquitted at trial. Ark. Code Ann. §16-90-906.

So,I think you could do more.You could go to a lawyer to ask him about expungement of your records and would expunged record permit you to answer no to those questions on job interview.
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