My dad passed away on December 23, 2007. He received his government check on Jan.1st, 2008. I took it to the store and cashed it to give to my mom because she needed the money. The store I took it to knew he was deceased and cashed it anyway. I thought that my mom was going to continue getting his benefits, and if there was a dispute with the check that they would be able to take it out of the money that they were going to send my mom. The government did not send the store the money for the check, and they did not send my mom money either. The check was for 2,993.00. I have paid the store back all but $500. They have been calling me at work and coming by my work threatening to file paperwork against me with the justice of the peace. They sent their friend who is the County Contable to my work to try to collect for them. He said if I didn't pay then they were going to file the papers in his office. He brought with him the paper that the store had given him, I believe as a favor to them. Is he legally allowed to do this? What can I expect to happen from here on out? Are they harassing me? Can they even file since they have accepted partial payment, or is that considered settlement?